The amazing story of two 40-something women on the path to matrimonial bliss

It just keeps getting better...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting Away...and Coming Home Again

We escaped...we had to.  It was only a three-day get-away, but we packed our sandals and our bathing suits and a recent issue of People magazine.  I was forbidden to take the laptop even though I wandered around on Friday morning trying to figure out if I shouldn't sneak it into the back of the Prius anyway.

If ever two gals needed a little respite, it was Teri and I: long work weeks; transitional stress; wet, rainy bike rides; a needy, whiny dog--all combined to create a world where we were anything but relaxed and feeling a craving need to reconnect with each other without any distractions.

I can't really take credit, it was actually Teri's idea.  A couple weeks ago--in the midst of some pretty tough work stuff for both of us, she made me sit down at the computer and we booked a weekend away.  We committed and come hell or last minute chaos, we were going!  I spent all day Thursday in interviews for a new position at my workplace.  I had to live with the ambiguity of our hiring panel NOT making an immediate decision.  Sure, I could have plodded back to work on Friday (even though I'd been telling and preparing everyone that I'd be gone) and be the responsible, follow-up person--but I just couldn't.  I was committed, I promised Teri this weekend away. So the decision would have to wait--work would have to wait because our spending some time together just couldn't!

That said, it only took me about a day to start to feel truly relaxed.  No work talk.  Minimal kid talk and minimal what-should-we-do-about-the-dog talk.  Walks, soaks, naps, shopping, museums (more on that in the next couple days.)  It all went by in a slow daze of pleasant mellow.  Absolutely perfect and I am forever amazed at how easily compatible Teri and I are.  We do darn well in the midst of stressful life but when we get away from all of that, our obvious compatibility and the way we just simply enjoy each other's company seems an incredible gift.

While we weren't eager to get back home, we weren't really avoiding it either.  I wasn't sure that I wanted to talk to anyone else again (aside from servers, store clerks and the occasional vacationing stranger) but alas, back to the real world! I do feel refreshed and I am gently reminded how fabulous it is to be marching through this time in my life with such a perfect-for-me partner...

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