The amazing story of two 40-something women on the path to matrimonial bliss

It just keeps getting better...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring Cleaning?

There is nothing like a flurry of big, fat, wet snowflakes to make a gal feel like Spring cleaning...

Actually, we are ignoring the weather as best we can and while I am mentally-prepared for Spring to come waltzing around the corner, I am not entirely convinced the house is.  The anticipation of a big shindig in our house and garden has me in a state of scrutiny.  This just will not do!

We have ordered slipcovers for our dog-trampled furniture and it should be arriving any day.  This is exciting.  There is nothing like a muddy-pawed beagle to take furniture that is a few years old and still architecturally sound and make it look like the back seat of an abandoned car. Alas, I cannot imagine putting brand new slipcovers on dirty furniture so yesterday I began peeling off all the cushion covers and pillows and washing them.

Just like one of my kids' favorite books "If You Give a Moose a Muffin," one Spring cleaning task leads to another.  If I'm going to clean the furniture then I surely should clean the rugs?  And if I'm going to clean the rugs then a good scrubbing with Murphy's Oil Soap seems in order for the wood floors.  And if I do the wood floors then what about scrubbing the grout lines on the kitchen tile?  And while I am down here on the kitchen floor, I can see that these white wood cabinets could really use a fresh coat of paint.  You know how it goes...

Meanwhile, Teri has been Spring cleaning the bathroom--as the sun streams in and we can truly see the inside of our charming and decades-old claw-foot tub, we are slightly horrified that we have been taking luxurious soaks.  She is also determined to wipe down all the walls and ceiling in there (a task I probably would NEVER take on) and has been a dedicated trouper in fighting the ever-present Pacific Northwestern "battle of the mildew."

With the pending wedding and inevitable visits, we have kicked our ordinary neat freakiness into overdrive. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE our little house and are basically happy with the arched doorways, thick wood molding, and 1930's bungalow style.  We don't feel compelled to rush out and buy new furniture or completely overhaul anything, we just want to pep things up and remove some of the bags and wrinkles (the fact that we feel the same way about ourselves is fodder for another blog post!)

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel, nearly akin to the nesting instinct when we were babying.Must have a fresh, clean, cozy space! Just please, don't stress.

    Remember the following:

    First of all, we're all coming to see you and Teri, not the house; nobody who loves you wants you to put yourself under pressure. Having said that, I can hear you holding your breath in protest from way over here in the flatlands.

    Secondly, once we're in your cozy abode, we'll be all about the wedding celebration. We'll be dancing and cramming cupcakes into our mouths. Nobody worth their salt will be thinking about grout..icing definitely, but grout? Not a chance chickie doodles!

    Thirdly, we're going to be going in and out the doors constantly. I know you're excited about presenting a sparkling fresh home for a dazzling beginning. Nothing says fuss like a pending celebration, but don't sweat the small stuff.

    Don't forget to delegate, dearies! I'll be there with the Three Wise Guys, and we'll pitch right in and help with whatever you need.

    Hugs to you all and the way around your happy house.
